Intro ============================================================== Hello. I want to show you how to get smartmontools working on Jetson Nano, for example for temperature measurement of our connected usb disk. In ubuntu 18 we need to build it from source, and for ubuntu 20 we can just install it. Installation Guide ============================================================== ``` sudo apt update sudo apt upgrade ``` ## for Ubuntu 20 If you want to have Ubuntu 20.04 on Jetson Nano then follow this guide => [Install Ubuntu 20.04 on Jetson Nano - Q-engineering]( Install SmartMonTools through apt ``` sudo apt-get install smartmontools ``` Now we can get a lot of statistic from the disk. ``` sudo smartctl -a /dev/sda ``` If we are only interested in temperature then: ``` sudo smartctl -a /dev/sda | grep Temperature ``` ## for Ubuntu 18 Going to build it from the source, so downloading to `opt` dir, than extracting. ``` cd /opt wget -O smartmontools-7.4.tar.gz tar zxvf smartmontools-7.4.tar.gz cd smartmontools-7.4/ ``` Now it is time to configure ``` ./configure ``` if doesn't work then ``` ./configure --without-libsystemd ``` And to build ``` make sudo make install ``` Usage Guide ============================================================== Now we can get a lot of info from the disk. ``` sudo smartctl -a /dev/sda ``` If we are only interested in temperature then: ``` sudo smartctl -a /dev/sda | grep Temperature ``` ![](../resources/smartmontools-screenshot2.png) ![](../resources/smartmontools-screenshot1.png)